How can I identify cement contamination on my car?

Cement and concrete contamination generally won't wash off. It may be obvious that you are suffering concrete contamination, but if not, you should inspect your car looking for a few key signs.

If the car is coated with dust, it could be cement or plaster. You will typically notice a grayish-white or pink powder settling on the surface. When mixed with moisture like dew or rain, this can form a hard crust on your car's exterior.

It is more likely you will notice white spots over part or all of your car. These will be raised, and feel gritty (do not attempt to scratch them off.) They may be more visible on windows and dark-coloured plastic parts.

It's important to regularly inspect your car if you are often near construction sides, in areas where concrete is mixed or cement milled.

If you find cement or concrete contamination on your car, we suggest seeking professional advice, as we see more serious damage to cars from people trying to remove it than from the contamination its self.

Written by Danny Argent. Last updated 25/01/2024 12:14

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