How much does it typically cost to remove concrete from a car professionally?

This is a "How long is a piece of string" type question. It really is impossible to say, it very much depends on the level and type of contamination, the condition of the affected vehicle before it was contaminated and the expectation of its condition when finished, how much damage was done, and to what.

If you send us some photos or a video, we can provide you with a very rough estimate.

We work on an hourly rate. We generally ask that you let us work on the car for one hour, this allows us to see how hard or easy the concrete comes off, and investigate the extent of any damage, if any. This allows us to put together a more accurate estimate. This may allow you to decide if you want to make an insurance claim or, if need be, we can work within a budget.

Likewise, the answer to "How long does it take?" is "It takes as long as it takes" However, it could take longer or less time! If your car's paintwork was in a rather rough condition before contamination, you could decide it isn't worth putting much effort into, or we could polish it to make it look like brand new. It's up to you.

Written by Danny Argent. Last updated 27/01/2024 12:49

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