How can I protect my car from cement contamination during construction work?

The best protection is to park well away from construction work. Thankfully, concrete is heavy, so although dust and watery spray can travel on the wind, concrete isn't very floaty, so doesn't travel too far.

We very seldom recommend car covers and definitely not tarpaulins, as they are fare more likely to damage your car than protect it. As you drag the cover on and off, any dirt or grit trapped underneath it can cause scratches and that is only a matter of time.

The best protection is probably a good coat of wax over every surface. Unfortunately, you can't put most hand waxes on every surface because it will dry and chalky. But there are some that will work. Wash'n'wax and spray waxes will do the job. This won't stop concrete getting on your car, or sticking to your car, but it should make it easier to get off and reduce any etching caused by the caustic chemical reaction which occurs when concrete is setting.

In our experience, it is far easier to get concrete off a car which has clean, shiny paintwork with a good coat of wax.

Written by Danny Argent. Last updated 27/01/2024 12:50

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