How does cement contamination affect different parts of a car, like glass or rubber?

Because rubber is flexible and packed full of plasticizers, it can be relatively easy to get concrete off of rubber, but not always. It's also comparatively scratch resistant.

It is always more difficult to get concrete off of glass, we don't know why, but it can be significantly more difficult. This is even though glass is inert and not easily affected by harsh chemicals, but this fact does mean we can use hotter acids to remove it.

Plastics are usually troublesome as they are prone to staining from the concrete and damage from any products we might use to remove them. Plastics are also used to make intricate shapes on a car such as grills and may also be textured or coated in faux chrome, which is a rather sensitive finish. However, they can also be very cheap on more common makes and models of car, meaning replacement might be a better option than cleaning or repair.

Written by Danny Argent. Last updated 27/01/2024 12:51

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