What steps should I take immediately after noticing cement on my car?

The very first thing you should do on noticing any kind of damage or contamination is to take photographs. If possible, also take video, explaining what you have found, where you are, what time it is, and also documenting evidence of any possible source of the contamination.  You may also want to investigate if any other cars nearby have been contaminated, including photos of numberplates.

This may be useful later if you try to recover costs, contact an insurance company, or heaven forbid, end up going to court. You may want to upload these photos and videos to a service such as Proofify.

With that done, we recommend you go to your nearest jet wash and use a pressure washer to try to wash it off. Hopefully, that will do the trick, if not, we recommend you consult a professional.

Written by Danny Argent. Last updated 27/01/2024 12:51

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