Are there any long-term effects of cement contamination if not properly cleaned?

Any corrosive compounds left in the paintwork, caustic or acid, can re-activate when wet. 

This means, each time there is rain or dew, it can cause a little bit more corrosion and a little more etching of clear-coat. The effects of this are probably minimal, to the point that it isn't noticeable, but it is possible that a dullness could return over time.

However, this isn't really a case of it not being cleaned properly. If the paintwork was un-waxed or uncoated, and oxidized when the concrete contaminated it, it is possible for it to permeate the paintwork. Paint is surprisingly porous, and these corrosive compounds can soak deep. You can only clean and polish so deep into the paintwork before you risk destroying it's integrity. If this does become an issue, then a respray may be the only option.

Written by Danny Argent. Last updated 27/01/2024 12:52

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